The purpose of the measures taken in case of non-compliance with the Shopexi business partnership and market protection system quality standards is to improve the commercial activities of our business partners and thus improve the shopping experience of Shopexi users. For this reason, the sanctions to be imposed by Shopexi are designed to raise awareness of our business partners about their operational competence, encourage compliance and protect the market for all its components.
Our business partners must manage their commercial relations with their stakeholders in Shopexi in an honest and fair manner and, in this context, must comply with the market protection system rules of the Shopexi platform.
Management of communication between our business partners and our consumers is subject to strict controls, as it involves important responsibilities such as protecting the consumer's personal rights and ensuring their security. If, during the checks, it is determined that the principles mentioned in this section have been violated, the sales of the supplier who has reached certain limits will be suspended temporarily or indefinitely, depending on the score he received.
Supplier account out of 99
If it drops to 84: 2 days
If it drops to 69: 5 days
If it drops to 44: It will be suspended for 7 days.
If the total of supplier points drops to 39/99, the account will be closed for sale indefinitely.
- Not Redirecting to a Different Shopping Platform.
It is against our safe market rules to prevent Shopexi consumers from receiving services from Shopexi by directing them to different shopping channels.
1) Using the consumer questions feature to direct the consumer to different shopping channels,
2) Adding coupons and discount-containing advertising/promotional materials to the post for direct guidance purposes,
3) Advertising and promoting a different shopping medium other than shopexi or bi+smart sites on the product page or in the cargo content is against the safe market rules.
-Answering Consumer Questions Contrary to Quality Standards:
Consumer questions must be answered accurately, relevantly, respectfully and in a timely manner, in accordance with safe market rules. In this regard, penalty points are reflected on the supplier who answers consumer questions in violation of quality standards in the following ways.
1) Giving an answer on the consumer questions screen that has nothing to do with the consumer question (printed answers such as it is written in the description, we will return during working hours, etc.).
2) Giving a misleading answer (does not match the features of the product, etc.)
3) Determining the use of language in a way that will negatively affect the consumer experience (which does not contain insults/threats/harassment; however, rude and disrespectful answers are evaluated within this scope. For insulting answers, the penalty points that will be applied in case of insult will be reflected.)
4) If the supplier gives an answer that conveys Shopexi business and operation processes to the consumer in a false and misleading manner (Giving answers that convey Shopexi business processes to the consumer, such as Shopexi error regarding order processes, Shopexi shipping quota, and that are not solution-oriented and do not reflect the truth, is considered against our safe market rules. .)
5) Directing the consumer to cancel the order from the consumer questions screen
-Reaching the Consumer Directly
Our suppliers must reach Shopexi consumers through the communication channels provided by the Shopexi platform.
1- Suppliers provide contact information (phone, e-mail address, etc.) for the purpose of reaching the consumer directly, or request this information from the consumer, through consumer questions or product comment answering screens,
2 - The supplier calls/messages the consumer's phone number, sends an e-mail to the consumer, reaches the consumer through social media channels or different channels.
or requesting such information from the consumer in order to communicate through these channels,
3- Requesting communication by adding a business card or phone number/e-mail address in the cargo shipment is against the safe market rules.
-Not responding at all or properly to Order Questions or Consumer requests submitted by the Consumer Experience team.
All evaluations about the product must be made by real consumers who purchased the product.
Suppliers trying to influence product evaluations by using the following methods is against safe market rules.
1) Supplier creating/allowing unrealistic orders to be created from consumer accounts belonging to the supplier or his relatives (Ordering from his own store)
2) The supplier offers to give discounts to consumers if they give positive comments.
3) The supplier purchases/attempts to purchase product comments, product points, number of followers, number of clicks or number of favorites from a center.
-Abusing Platform Features.
Platform features must be used for their intended purposes and in accordance with safe market rules. Penalty points will be applied to any supplier who is found to be trying to harm another supplier's trade or the consumer by using shopexi and bi+smart features for purposes other than their intended purpose. Examples of criminal behavior in this context are given below.
Use of Q&A and Product Page areas in a way that harms another supplier's business. (For example: defamation of other suppliers by claiming that they sell poor quality or non-original products, etc.)
Misusing the discount/benefits created by the supplier for its consumers by ordering from another Shopexi supplier store.
Making the supplier's business difficult by ordering from another Shopexi consumer store (e.g. stock depletion, malicious comments, deliberate returns, etc.)
Copying the labels provided by Shopexi in accordance with certain rules (successful supplier, fast delivery, etc.) and adding them to the product page or store images without permission.
Misuse of my site by providing misleading information about the product range, price and design.
-Use of Data for Other Purpose
Our suppliers must use the data they obtain during their trade (consumer data, order data, platform screens, employee information, etc.) in accordance with the rules of confidentiality and honesty, for their intended purpose and not share them with third parties. Supplier accounts that share non-public confidential data obtained through Shopexi with third parties and use it for purposes other than its intended purpose will be suspended indefinitely. Examples of account suspension behaviors in this context are given below.
1) Use of consumer data for purposes other than its intended purpose
2) Misuse of commercial data received from Shopexi during business partnership.
-Inappropriate Treatment of Employees or Consumers.
In case of unlawful verbal or written communication containing insults/threats/harassment with a Shopexi consumer or employee through channels of the Shopexi platform such as live support, call center, consumer questions, product comments, product page, penalty points will be applied to the supplier.
-Uploading Fake Documents.
If it is determined that the invoice/authorized supplier certificate/brand registration certificate uploaded by the supplier to the Shopexi system is not original, penalty points will be applied to the supplier.
-Not Uploading Documents Proving Product Originality.
During the documentation process initiated in response to the notification of the trademark right owner or consumer complaints, the relevant products of suppliers who do not submit the necessary documents within the time given to the supplier are removed from sale and penalty points are applied to the supplier.
-Not Uploading Documents Showing License, Patent, Work, Visual Usage Rights.
In the documentation process initiated in response to the notification of the Trademark - Patent - Copyright owner or consumer complaints, the relevant products of suppliers who do not submit the necessary documents within the time given to the supplier are removed from sale and penalty points are applied to the supplier.
-Listing an Illegal Product.
Penalty points are applied to the supplier who lists a product whose sale is prohibited or whose sale is a crime not only on the internet but also within the country by the relevant laws.
-Listing a Product That Creates a Health Risk.
Penalty points will be charged to the supplier who lists a product that is prohibited for sale on the Internet or Shopexi by changing the category, not writing the visual/name/descriptions correctly, or using the package sales feature, thus bypassing quality controls and offering a high health risk product for sale.
-Non-Content Quality.
If a supplier engages in the following behavior, the product will be closed for sale and penalty points will be applied to the supplier.
-Causing Harm to Shopexi or Shopexi consumers.
Penalty points will be charged to the supplier who causes material damage to Shopexi and/or Shopexi consumers by acting against the law and the rule of honesty, by abusing Shopexi systems or campaigns, or who is found to have abused a system for a long time and therefore the contractual relationship is unsustainable.
-Opening Multiple Supplier Accounts.
A supplier may open a single supplier account unless there is a legitimate reason that can be justified legally or economically. It is interpreted as abuse if the same supplier opens different supplier accounts with the same documents without Shopexi's knowledge. For this reason, penalty points will be applied to the supplier who is found to have opened more than one supplier account without Shopexi's knowledge and the relevant accounts will be suspended.
-Associated Supplier Accounts.
The following accounts are closed from sales and system access by Shopexi:
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