What are the steps to launch an e-commerce website with Shopexi system software?

Launch your mobile-friendly smart e-commerce website using the Shopexi infrastructure in 3 simple steps:

  • Create your free Shopexi account: Fill out the required information completely.
  • Activate Shopexi +smart: Go to the "+smart" section within the Shopexi dashboard and make your monthly payment.
  • Configure +smart and set up your domain: Complete the required information in the +smart panel. Then, contact your domain registrar and point your CNAME records to the Shopexi servers as shown in the +smart panel.

That's it! You can now receive orders for your products through your own e-commerce website and sell worldwide thanks to multi-language and multi-currency support. Manage shipping, inventory, products, orders, customer service, and website settings from the dashboard.

Note: Added products and changes will be published on your website and the Shopexi marketplace after being reviewed by Shopexi moderators. If you need support at any stage, you can create a 24/7 support request from the dashboard or chat with us live during business hours.


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