Shopexi Supplier Application and Approval Process

1-Membership Form

Filling out the Membership Form: This is the field where the information requested from you will be filled in, depending on the type of company you have chosen.

Frequently Problems Questions

Who can sell on ?

All companies with a Republic of Turkey tax number, e-mail account and bank account can sell on .

What are the steps in the membership process?

Filling out the Membership Form - Document Management - Approval Process

Filling out the Membership Form: This is the field where the information requested from you will be filled in, depending on the type of company you have chosen.

Document Management: This is the area where you will upload the requested documents to the system after filling out the membership form.

Approval Process: This is the final approval process in which your documents will be checked and your products will be available for sale with your store membership.

I am an ordinary partnership firm. Can I sell on ?

Ordinary partnership companies can continue the registration process by selecting "Capital Companies" among the company type options when filling out the membership form. The official company name and tax number of the partnership must be written at the registration stage. In addition, it is necessary to define a bank account belonging to the relevant partnership for payments.

Can I sell from a company owned by a different person? store payments  are only transferred to the bank account of the relevant company that has been registered. In this context, payments cannot be made to a different bank account other than the name specified on your tax plate.

Can I sell products outside the category selected during the membership phase? 

The category selected when filling out the relevant form is for the creation of your Commission Agreement document. The relevant document includes the commission rate specific to the category you choose. However, you can sell in any category other than the specified category. For sales other than the category you selected, the category commission rate for the product you sold will be valid.


After filling out the membership form, an activation e-mail is sent to the registered e-mail address by the system.

You can perform the activation process within the relevant e-mail.

Frequently Problems Questions

I can't view the activation email?

  • You can check your spam and junk boxes .
  • Emails with company extensions may be blocked. Action can be taken to grant permission for shipments, if any, for any obstacle. 
  • If you cannot access your e-mail address, you can send us your request for a change of e-mail address.

 3-Document Approval 

Document Management: This is the area where you will upload the requested documents to the system after filling out the membership form.

Frequently Problems Questions

What are the documents required for membership? 

Depending on your choice of company type, the list of documents you need to upload to the system online via the Seller Office is as follows:

For Private Companies:

  • Tax Certificate (Last 1 year)
  • Signature Circular (If there is no registry record, a signature declaration document can be added.)
  • Photocopy of Identity Card (Front side only)
  • Working Financial Conditions and Principles (Commission agreement)
  • Seller Advertisement and Transaction Agreement ( Agreement) 

For Capital Companies or Ordinary Partnerships:

  • Current Activity Certificate (Last 6 months) - If you do not have an activity certificate, you can add your current VAT accrual slip to the relevant section.
  • Tax Certificate (Last 1 Year)
  • Establishment Trade Registry Gazette
  • Signature Circulars
  • Partnership Agreement (for Ordinary Partnerships)
  • Working Financial Conditions and Principles ( Commission Agreement) 
  • Seller Advertisement and Transaction Agreement ( Agreement) 

You can download your contracts from the Account > Document Management area through your Tezgah account. You can upload the relevant contracts to the system in pdf and jpeg formats, stamped and signed (signature included in the signature circular). 

Commission rates are determined according to the main category you choose when signing up to the platform.

Where can I upload documents? 

After logging into the Workbench Account, you can upload your documents and contracts from the "Document Management" tab.

You can select the requested documents and add them to the system with the "Upload" button.

After all the requested documents are filled out, you must click the "Send Documents for Approval" button.

What are the procedures to be taken into consideration when uploading documents?

Your documents must be up to date.

  • Tax Certificate (Last 1 Year); It must be taken within the same period as the upload date or within a period of 1 year at the latest.
  • Current Activity Certificate (Last 6 months); It must be received within the same period or within a 6-month period at the latest as of the date of upload.
  • Stamp and signature must be applied to all pages of contracts (Seller Advertisement and Cooperation Agreement and Working Financial Terms and Principles). 
  • The signature on the contracts must match the signature on the "Signature Circular Document".

How many days does the document approval process take? 

Your documents are checked and approved within 1-3 days. Approved documents and accounts are notified via e-mail and you are asked to confirm your e-mail address. After verifying your e-mail address registered in the system from the content of the confirmation e-mail, you can start insuppliering the products.

My documents were rejected by . How can I proceed? 

The reason for rejecting the relevant document is displayed on your Seller Panel and sent to your e-mail address registered in the system by e-mail. You can send your document(s) for approval again by making arrangements according to the content of the relevant reason.


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